


Special offers

Price / Group Budapest Essentials Budapest Overview Insider's Budapest Budapest Delights Hidden Gems
1-2 person 145€ 185€ 295€ 295€ 185€
3-4 person 185€ 225€ 375€ 375€ 225€
5-6 person 225€ 275€ 465€ 465€ 275€
7-8 person 275€ 325€ 555€ 555€ 325€
9-10 person 325€ 375€ 645€ 645€ 375€

Keep in mind that all the food, drinks, entrance fees, public transport are included in the price.

We believe that discovering Budapest on foot with the help of public transport is the best and simply the easiest way. However we are happy to provide you with car or minivan service if you wish.

Special offers

Price / Group Budapest Essentials Budapest Overview Insider's Budapest
1-2 person 145€ 185€ 295€
3-4 person 185€ 225€ 375€
5-6 person 225€ 275€ 465€
7-8 person 275€ 325€ 555€
9-10 person 325€ 375€ 645€

Price / Group Budapest Delights Hidden Gems
1-2 person 295€ 185€
3-4 person 375€ 225€
5-6 person 465€ 275€
7-8 person 555€ 325€
9-10 person 645€ 375€

Keep in mind that all the food, drinks, entrance fees, public transport are included in the price.

We believe that discovering Budapest on foot with the help of public transport is the best and simply the easiest way. However we are happy to provide you with car or minivan service if you wish.

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